Responsible for provisioning cloud infrastructure on AWS to monitor industrial HVAC systems. The architecture utilizes a mesh network of IoT sensors to relay telemetry to the cloud where it's aggregated for analysis and stored for regulatory compliance.
Collaborated with cofounder to bootstrap a self-funded personal history SaaS. Forced to abandon the venture when we ran out of runway and were unable to secure funding due to the COVID economic crisis.
Managed technical operations for the FamilyShare viral news platform. Scaled technology stack to deliver 44M monthly impressions to 26M unique users. Worked with social team to track engagement and target content to over 130 million Facebook followers.
Created a crowdsourced news curation platform to syndicate content to 40 media partners and over 400 websites. Championed a technology initiative to unify television, radio, and newspaper newsrooms. Given a DMC Leader in Innovation award for this work.
Lead corporate development team and interfaced with radio markets to implement best practices and optimize digital strategy. Grew aggregate digital revenue for the organization from 1M to 14M over the course of three years.
Managed the content and technology teams. Built the KSL Classifieds technology platform and grew traffic from 200K to 4M monthly impressions. Awarded National Edward R Murrow award for best large market news website.
Created frequency coordination website for the 2002 SLC Winter Olympic Games. Developed a corporate content management system to centralize digital operations and facilitate innovation among the Bonneville radio properties.
Advocated for the adoption of the Internet and created the first website. Collaborated with television to unify collective online brand. Designed and implemented a remote transmitter control system for KCSG TV in Cedar City.
JavaScript (ES6), C, MFC Visual C++, Objective C, Perl, Java, PHP
HTML, CSS, Sass, GraphQl, SQL, JSON, XML, YAML, Markdown
MySQL, Postgres, Elasticsearch, MongoDb, PouchDb, SQLite
React, Next.js, Node.js, Angular, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express, KOA
DynamoDb, Cognito, CDK, Lambda, Timestream, Route53, SES, S3, ACM
Agile, Scrum, TDD, Unit Testing, Version Control, User Journey Mapping